Guidelines for Finding Research Papers
Table of contents
Useful Websites
- Google Scholar: a good place to start your search
- DBLP: for browsing by author and topical keywords
- Connected Papers: for visualizing and finding related work
Major Database Conferences
- Proc. of SIGMOD Conference (SIGMOD): ACM-Special Interest Group on Mgmt. of Data (1974-). It also shows up now as a journal called the PACMMOD (Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data).
- Proc. of the Very Large Database (VLDB) Conference. (1975-). It also shows up now as a journal called the PVLDB (Proceedings of the VLDB).
- Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR). (2003-). The conference often covers visionary topics.
- Proc. of IEEE Data Engineering Conf. (ICDE) (1984- )
Other conferences include: ER (Entity Relationship – later Conceptual Modeling), CIKM (Conf. on Info and Knowledge Mgmt.), EDBT (Extended DB Technology – European), SIGKDD (Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining). See links to them from the DBLP website.
Major Database Journals
- ACM TODS: ACM Transactions on Database Systems. (1976- ). This journal publishes authoritative work which mostly results from PhD theses.
- IEEE /TKDE: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (1990- )
- ACM TOIS: ACM Transactions on Information Systems. (1983-) Previously it was called Transactions on Office Information Systems.
- Information Systems (Pergammon Press, Now Springer) (1980-)
- Data and Knowledge Engineering (Elsevier) (1980-)
Note: The library has access to ACM and IEEE digital library. You should be able to download most of the papers that appear in above conferences and journals.