Emerging Database Technologies

CS4440 A, Spring 2025

Instructor: Kexin Rong

Time: Mon & Wed 3:30-4:45PM

Location: Klaus 2456

TAs: Jeff Xu, Tianji Yang

Contact: cs4440-staff@groups.gatech.edu

Office Hours

  • Instructor: Wednesdays 11:30-12:30, KACB 3322
  • TAs:
    • Jeff: Thursdays 1:30-2:30, in the common area next to Klaus 3322
    • Tianji: Fridays 10:00-11:00, in the common area next to Klaus 3322

Course Description

This course aims to introduce students to the “big picture” of database technology and enables them to assess the current state of this technology with its wide range of products, systems, tools, and languages. The fundamentals of database systems have introduced a wealth of concepts in areas such as database modeling and design, query processing and storage management with indexing, etc. However, all these areas are being reworked in light of emerging technologies and an ever-growing landscape of applications.


The prerequisite for this course is a basic understanding of the relational database model, SQL language, design principles and normalization, and storage and indexing as covered in CS4400. Students from non-CS areas are welcome but if they have not taken CS4400, they should discuss their background with the instructor first. Proficiency in some programming language like Java and Python is necessary; a substantial group project is expected that should go way beyond the simple CS4400 level project exercise. Languages, frameworks, tools, and platforms are entirely open for choice.


This course is largely based on prior offerings of CS4440 taught by Prof. Sham Navathe, and reference materials from the following courses: