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Project Presentation


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Presentation Guidelines

Prepare a presentation about your group project that includes the following.

  1. Overview
    • Include a title slide with project title, team member names, and the group number
    • Review your project’s overall goal and/or the intended functionality
    • Explain the project’s significance:
      • For applications: Who are the target users and what are target use cases?
      • For benchmarks: What insights does your analysis generate and why are they useful?
      • For DB systems/components: What functionality does your implementation improve?
  2. Technical Implementation
    • Describe the database design (if applicable):
      • For relational databases, including the ER model and relational schema.
      • For non-relational databases (Neo4j, MongoDB), show appropriate data constructs and their contents.
    • Make sure to highlight what you have done on top of existing works. For example, for benchmarking projects, are you using public benchmarks as is, or have you modified it? For datasets, did you download them from a website, or did you have to manually scrape and clean the data?
    • It could be helpful to include an architecture diagram to illustrate your technical stack (e.g., main components and libraries/systems used for each)
    • Discuss any major challenges you faced and your solutions.
  3. Project Outcomes
    • Discuss the current implementation status. Give proper justifications for the implementations that clearly deviate from project goals.
    • Note that we expect the implementation to conclude by the final demo, not this presentation. However, you are welcomed to discuss any preliminary results in the presentation.
  4. Reflection and Future Works
    • Share key learning outcomes from the project.
    • Outline potential future improvements or extensions to the project.

Submission and Grading

Submit a video recording of the presentation to canvas. Only one submission is required per group. The presentation should take no more than 10 minutes. We also expect that all team members would contribute to the presentation. This presentation will be used as the basis of the project demo/Q&A session with your group.